Your Vision + Our Innovation & Expertise = Results That Make You Proud


Scott is the President of ILD Associates a consulting & coaching - training firm dedicated to assisting land owners and developers in providing places they'll always enjoy.

L.A.N.D. Project – City of Detroit

By on October 24, 2013 in Portfolio
L.A.N.D. Project – City of Detroit

landproject1Location: Detroit, Michigan (City wide)

Stakeholder/Client:  City of Detroit, MI  (Numerous divisions of public works – streets, maintenance, environmental, inspections,  etc) and mayoral and planning departments.

Brief Description –Objective/Task:  Planning and design of program in response to many social problems and economic initiatives

Personal Involvement – Action: Planning, design and construction coordination of landscapes related to enhancement and visual impact of land parcels within city. Construction utilized block grant funding with specialized criteria.

Results: 2,075 land parcels improved for neighborhood residents with neighborhood enhancement and accomplishment of economic development goals including the elimination of many parcels from the city’s tax burden.

CSD attribute: These now landscaped vacant lots demonstrate a preservation of scenic, aesthetic and historic places.  Additionally these same places promote public safety and economic opportunity


