Your Vision + Our Innovation & Expertise = Results That Make You Proud


Scott is the President of ILD Associates a consulting & coaching - training firm dedicated to assisting land owners and developers in providing places they'll always enjoy.

Habitat for Humanity Homes

By on October 24, 2013 in Portfolio
Habitat for Humanity Homes


Location: Lansing and Detroit, Michigan

Stakeholder / Client:  Habitat for Humanity – Lansing and Detroit affiliates

Brief Description – Objective / Task:  Design and management of construction of numerous residential landscapes consisting of donated materials constructed by limited stilled volunteers

Personal Involvement – Action: Coordinated planning, design and construction landscape, trained and coordinated laborers

Results: Construction of 45 newly planned and landscaped homes in Lansing and Detroit, Michigan

CSD attribute: These homes symbolize the beginning of residential rebirth in this city (public support-motivation) and reestablishment of a previously central neighborhood community.





