Your Vision + Our Innovation & Expertise = Results That Make You Proud

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Welcome to the ILD Experience!

By on August 4, 2013 in ILD
Welcome to the ILD Experience!

Northern Lights Native American Casino - Walker/ Leech Lake, Minnesota (As proposed)

You are a land / property owner with an idea; a vision; a dream. We are the innovative and experienced land development and design team that brings you results beyond your dreams… and within your budget.

There are no common-place approaches when you choose ILD. From the beginning concepts to the exciting and attractive conclusions, you will collaborate with your own ILD “dream” team that will mold ILD’s unique expertise to fit the unique needs of your project.

Whether your commercial, government, or mixed use project involves raw land, renovation, historic preservation, brownfield redevelopment, or anything in between, put our extensive experience to work for you. You can count on our passion for urban enhancement, re-use, conservation of natural resources, green technology, and sustainable results.

To learn more, click through the slide show, explore the site, and call for a free consultation.

Who We Are

Our Approach Maximizes Your Property’s Potential

Client Experience “Front Dirt to Keys”
